//Wanderer Wondering
Wanderer Wondering

? First Time bebehh~~
Monday 16 April 2012 ? 09:32 ? 0 comments
I made a few header actually, but I dont have the guts to show it to you guys because Im just a beginner. :P
Im just going to show you this one header which is very SIMPLE ==. I'll show you the future headers soon. After I become a pro :D or at least the ones that I think is neither good nor bad. 

Can anyone give me tips on how to enhance my header. Unfortunately, Im using Photofiltre not Photoshop. ): Later later later~~ lah I download Photoshop. haha. Please anyone. Sy nak sangat wat header yang orang nmpak memang original lah dan tampak kemas dan real sgt. haha. (: 

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